How do I qualify to be an Ardsley Pollinator Pathway Garden?   

Any pesticide-free garden that provides food and habitat with pollinator-friendly native and non-native plants is a pollinator garden. Get started with just a plant or two! You can grow your garden gradually. This is not about size - it is about a commitment moving forward. Residents can add anywhere from one pollinator-friendly tree or planter to a small pollinator garden, to a full meadow. 

We only have three requirements to get on our growing map:

Ready to join the movement? Add your garden to our growing map by filling out the form below! 

The Ardsley Pollinator Pathway Map

Ardsley is a stepping stone on a large migratory pathway that stretches way beyond its borders. Together with neighboring municipalities we can help support the ecological health of the region. Add your garden to the map - just fill out the form below.

Spread the word! Let the world know you are supporting pollinators and are on the pollinator pathway. For a limited time the signs are available for free to celebrate the start of our Ardsley pathway.